Created: 4 years ago
Views: 1487
Type: image/png
Dimensions: 1366x768
Size: 397KB

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Sure it is easier take a screenshot than draw a picture but maybe u not have checked the picture correctly. What i wanted to show here is me and the luckbeast family, the picture shows how the lil luckbeast jumps on my back while im on the back of the luckbeast and we start our family trip for search their cousin the fluxbeast. i just want to say art is different and it even too took its time take the screenshot exactly as i want...
So if u say a screenshot cant be fanart tell me why u find under the section: „Fan art“ the partsection ; „Screenshots“ ?
Straight from Webster
Fan Art: artwork based on popular works of fiction (such as books, movies, etc.) that is created by fans
Now, I put emphasis on that first word. "Artwork". Let me be a little clearer, lets take that first word and break it down.
Art: the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects
You see how a screenshot isn't a form of art? No? Then lets take the entire word
Artwork: material (such as a drawing or photograph) prepared for reproduction in printed matter
You see how clear it is that a screenshot is in no standard way considered "fanart"?
To clarify, there is a category for Screenshots on the Fan Art section, because it used to be called Gallery, renames and merges down the line makes it a bit odd for it to be under that section now.
We also used to state on art challenges, and on the art upload form, that screenshots were not considered valid entries for art. Although in my attempt to clean some of the pages from an excess of text that seems to have been lost.
Although it does make me sad that effort has gone into something that may not be rewarded.
Hey! This screenshot was liked by his alt accounts! He created accounts for the sole purpose of liking this "fanart"
The screenshot 100% not liked by my alts this are friends of me from different countrys haha im sry for understand it wrong okay i accept maybe u cant see as art and i accept even too this isnt what u wanted to see and i maybe not getting counted but to say anything like i would liked it with my alts is just a joke man this are all real people i know from trove and no alts to make some likes idk where from u think make a statement like this is just random stuff created by yourself only cuz a friend of u made a post sure i missunderstood which kind of picture is allowed but just say things like i made some alts can just be a joke i not even have 1 alt... i not wanted start any kind of fight here i simply not knew this is not allowed. And maybe how u can see this is my first post so u cant just write something like " a screenshot is not allowed in this kind of event" ? For me it seems a little bit like an attack is u just say "how is this fanart" but man go your way i will go mine haha.