Matthieux has posted a summary of the last developer livestream over on the Trove Forums. The last livestream showcased the summer hub, previewed some dragons and ended with an animation of the new class.
Following TeeKayM’s format, here’s today’s stream summary:
(it appears that the recorded broadcast may have been deleted on accident-c'est tragique)
Note: All coming next Tuesday (minus the teaser at the end)!
Hosted by
- Adam (Decoy_Trion)
- Ted (Dopesheet)
- Andrew (Avarem)
- Elery (Mr.E)
Summertime Hub
Beach style hub with cornerstone islands surrounded by water
- New Old Blue Dragon Pup Ally: (-8% incoming damage, reduces cooldown time by 10%, Damaging enemies has a chance to blast them with fire)
- Fledgling is the first stage, functions as a mount
- Adult dragon
- Glides but moves slower than wings (90 vs 95) and are less maneuverable
- Slower descent
- Pulling back on dragon can allow better hovering than wings
- Legendary Dragon
- Shoots fireballs!
- Can blow up lairs and dungeons
- Dragon Souls
- Consume to unlock rewards
- First soul unlocks pet
- Five souls unlocks fledgling
- Fifteen souls for adult
- Thirty souls for legendary
- Achieving final tier (40 souls) will unlock permanent stat bonuses (“Dragon Spirit”)
- Dragon souls also craftable (1 Dragon Coin, 3 Dragon Essences, 1 Golden Soul, 50 Glacial Shards)
Radiant Gear
- Shadow 4 -> Shadow 5 -> Radiant
- Stat gain is greater than before
- New Radiant Aura effects on weapons (Lightning, Magic, Fire, Undead, Frost, more may come)
- Reroll VFX using glim at the advanced forge (75 glim)
- Shadow 4 to Shadow 5: 2 Quad-Forged Shadow Souls
- Shadow 5 to Radiant Tier (prices may change?):
- Each Shadow 5 forge level requires 500 flux + 60 eyes
- Needs 3 Penta-Forged Shadow Souls + 3 Purifying Dragon Flames to upgrade from Shadow 5 to Radiant
- Penta-Forged Souls can be obtained by deconstructing Shadow 5 gear OR are a rare drop from dragon caches (obtained from challenges), Purifying Dragon Flame is crafted (1 Dragon Coin, 30 Primordial Flame, 200 Radiant Shards)
- Each Radiant forge level requires 1000 flux, 70 eyes, and 1 Purifying Dragon Flame
More info posted by Avarem here. If you're confused about how challenge completion is calculated check out Comply's post here.
- Occur at the top of every hour (supposedly first 20 minutes though stream showed 30 minutes), have to be Mastery Level 30 to see challenges
- 3x multiplier for playing bonus classes, 3x for Uber 5 and an additional 3x for Uber 6 (27x multiplier total possible)
- Rewards: Azulian Dragon Caches
- 4 Levels with 20 minute time limits, get harder
- 2 caches for Bronze + Silver challenge
- 4 caches for Gold
- 5 caches for Platinum (13 caches total if you complete all four levels)
- Dragon Caches
- Common: “Pretty darn solid” flux rewards: 250-1000 flux, 20-100 eyes
- Uncommon: Dragon Essences, Dragon Coins
- Rare: Dragon Soul
- Very rarely (more rare than dragon souls): Penta-Forged Shadow Souls
- Dragon caches available on the store: 50 caches = 6750 credits
- Everyone who participates in completion of the challenge gets credit (not limited to the 8 for loot)
- Friends, Quests, Blocks Destroyed, Boxes Opened, Consecutive Days, Total Days, Fishing, Patron Points
- Azulian Dragon Ascension – unlocks pet, various dragons, + passive stat bonus (Dragon Spirit)
- Chat developments
- Double chat box size when hitting enter
- Chat tabs
- Able to click on someone’s name to report spammers, ignore, add to friend’s list, etc.
- Soaring Flamefish-still being worked on, will require sky lair or club sky biome
- Mysterious alcove in the hub (still vague, they danced around no real answer)
- Shadow pinatas are on the way (no ETA given)
- World bosses-do want to bring them in, haven’t had a chance to work on them (won’t happen before launch)
- Ringcrafting-will happen soon but will not follow same upgrade path as standard equipment forging (no ETA)
- Missing Mastery rewards will be in by launch
Coming in the future (teaser)

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