Neon Nightcycle and Passive Crafting Edition
Trove Forums
January 20, 2015
- A new mount, the Neon Nightcycle, is now in the store!
- You can now continuing crafting without keeping the crafting window open!
- The crafting progress bar also now shows overall crafting progress when crafting multiple of the same item
- For this week only there are bonus pinatas with each credit pack purchase 20 dollars and above!
- Warpseed is now known as Glim
- Music blocks no longer cost Warpseed/Glim to craft
- Mag Rails no longer cost Warpseed/Glim to craft
- Starter crafting stations no longer cost Warpseed/Glim to craft
- You can now deconstruct recipes for blank scrolls. These don't do anything else and there's some polish to do for deconning stacks.
- When changing the fullscreen display resolution in the settings you will now be asked to confirm if that resolution works for you within a time limit before the client reverts to the previous setting.
- Players other than the player who throws it should now get the global use winter recipes from winter pinatas
- The Neon Ninja dash now works when submerged in liquid.
- Theme music will now play in all zones at first spawn in to the game.
- Upgraded particle renderer and fixed some cases where particles would disappear
- Fixed issue where shadows disappear when standing under a ledge
- The Springy Sporely is now crafted at rank 5 gardening
- New Candoria dungeon from Kukui and Gamefuel
- New Dragonfire Peaks dungeon from Stedms
- New Neon City dungeon from BlueMango10
- New Permafrost lair from FriedSushi
- New Candoria lair from Markec1983
- New Candoria lair from Qoaleth
- New Candoria lair from Kukui
- New Candoria lair from Khastiel
- New Desert Frontier lair from Jhoaockundari
- New Permafrost lair from Cretoriani
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