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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Spirited Away (to the Desert Frontier) art
Commented on: No. 43 : Down Under - Tales of the Virus Comic art
Commented on: 3 Years of Trovesaurus page
I've found out about Trovesaurus when I looked up how to get the Sagesaurus mount like 2 moths ago. I thought this was just a site where giveaways happen and trove info is stored,but I soon found out that it is much more than that. I've seen so much awesome work done on this page all the artists,modders and all the others build this site to what it is today. I still remember the first thing I did on this site was the screenshot contest and I'd like more of those kinds of events where the community comes together to help get more info :)
Commented on: Macedoine Master art