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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Be gone Hoth art
Commented on: Wine Red T0mb R4iser art
Commented on: Deep down inside art
Commented on: Chill Day of Blocktron. art
Commented on: Rabbity Raiser art
Commented on: 3 Years of Trovesaurus page
I have been using Trovesaurus for more than 5 months now! I find Trovesaurus really helpful especially when I need some information about Trove. The database is large and well-organized so I can easily find the information I want. (without Trovesaurus it would have taken me much more time to learn how to ascend a dragon soul (・∀-d))
Also, the frequent art contests are one of the main reasons I use Trovesaurus, too.
The art contests provide Trovians with many opportunities to share their love and interest in Trove! And, above all, they give us Tokens that we can exchange with Trove items, which is really cool (・ω・)b
So my experiences in Trovesaurus has been great so far. I'm enjoying many features and events, such as contests and giveaways, and I expect more of them in the future.
Happy 3rd anniversary Trovesaurus!
I hope everything will go wonderful till the next year! o(>u<)9 Yay!!
Commented on: P4nda Dr4w art
Commented on: Cooking with Fae art
Commented on: Love-Bewitched! art
Commented on: Love-Bewitched! art