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Featured Art Comments:
Mobi says: Awesome details and artwork to showcase these big bad leviathans.
Featured Art Comments:
Ylva says: This art gives me a very warm festive feeling of celebrating with friends. Everyone so full of joy! And all the hidden details, wow, most certainly the case of the more you look the more you see!
Featured Art Comments:
Atronos says: Wow, so many details, this looks amazing. I love the juxtaposition of the title and how it translates to the image
Featured Art Comments:
DC013 says: Nice Trick or Treat costume. lovely style! Also love the face part of Kentuky.
Featured Art Comments:
Ohhoo .. Looks fericious, Especially the Big beast. I demand some big monster fight with the TombRaiser Beast O_o. The Dungeon-y atmosphere really show how old they are too. Very Nice.
Hunter of the Skybound Frontier
Featured Art Comments:
I'd really would love to see a cowboy film that set in some floating badland and use pegasus as their horse. This really show what it would like and I like it. And archers showdown ? ? yes pls