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Featured Art Comments:
I love the confused look on the Heckbugs face as its being carried away to safety. Adorable. – Meowser
"This is so cute. I eat weird things and I approve this message." – IeatWeirdThings (Developer on Defiance)
OMG this comic is hilariously adorable and hecking cute. Really captured the event and love seeing the emotions expressed. - Mobi
An Electric Skitterling hungry for some Chocolate
Featured Art Comments:
Ruled paper art is the best art. – Bliza
I really like the colors on this, specifically the clear use of multiple pens or colored pencils gives it a unique and interesting look. - Meowser
Awesome details and art, now I'm craving some chocolate. - Mobi
Featured Art Comments:
Cutest cactus I've ever seen, excellent art. - Mobi