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Commented on: Candy Llama Contest page
One day, a llama decided to leave her precious family behind and explore the world, pondering the many continents and landscapes around her. After being through much hardship, running from skeletons, getting chased by dragons, and almost falling into lava, she reached a land of candy.
Now known as Candoria, the llama wandered the oh so bitter sweet landscapes in search of food. She was hunted by the various denizens of the candy land until one unfortunate encounter with a large ancient dragon made of candy and snow.
The llama attempted to hide from the flying foe. But the chocolate menace flew around her, cutting off every corner and escape route.
Then one day she was found by a Trovian with a strange bite mark on her neck. The Trovian slowly nursed the llama back to health, noticing she was emitting a candy-like fragrance that resembled chocolate and strawberries. Then the changes occurred. The llama's neck slowly started changing into a light pink, along with the rest of it's fur. Then the pink slowly spread to the ends of the llama, until one day, the Trovian realized what had happened.
The llama was unfortunate enough to have received the candy curse from the large chocolate dragon. As the rest of the llama slowly became candified, the Trovian stared in shock. The llama could suddenly move at amazing speeds and jump great heights.
After the transformation, the Trovian created a chocolate chip saddle, and travelled the world with her, calling the llama "My sweet sally." The Trovian of unknown origin was never heard from again.