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Commented on: Dino Tamer Story Contest page
As a child, he would love to play with a toy t-rex he'd call, "Yulix 'pretty odd'". Yulix was a toy that was given to him by his father, shortly after he left to complete his life's work. As he became older he would read nothing else, but prehistoric genres. As years went by, the young boy turned into a man; putting his prehistoric past behind him and his prolonged adulthood ahead. He moved in a apartment, got himself a good paying job, and a few boxes that were still sealed to remind him of his father, by the looks of this things seemed great. One day at work he had trash duty, as he approaches the dumpster something is moving in a used mcdonald bag. On the outside of the bag he sees a tail, not knowing what it is, he pokes it. The creature ignores him and still searches for food, a sudden burst of light cracks down behind him, as the smoke clears a big, brollic, heavily armed, shadow knight walks out. Frantic, the man grabs the bag and runs to his car and drives off. When he arrives, he the takes bag and sits it on the sofa. He remembers his father talking about a secret weapon he keeps hidden his special box, he quickly rushes and opens it. When he takes the lid off there is a gun, a pouch, and a strange time watch. He only takes the gun and pouch, downstairs there is a loud boom, he runs to see what happens and sees that the shadow knight has re-appeared. Not knowing what to do, he grabs the bag with the creature and runs up stairs and locks himself in the room. The shadow knight bursts the door with great force, blowing him into the wall, the burst knocks the watches top off. When he looks at it there is a button glowing red with a "T" imprinted on it. He sees no other opportunities so he runs with the bag and presses the button while clutching it with his fist. Everything goes white for a few seconds- then little specs of vivid color start to race past him. The rate increases, to where it starts to look like another world, too busy staring at the scenery he doesnt realize he is about to fly out the wormhole ahead. As he falls, he is rescued by a pterodactyl, he then looks around as he is being lifted to safety and sees a man who oddly resembles his father. he then is dropped drasticaly into the water. when he emerges, they both are gone. He then hears a cry, he sees the creature from before, it was red and had yellow eyes. he realizes its a trex but the odd thing is it didnt hurt him, he remembers his trex toy and decides to call it yulix. As he looks around once more, he sees a giant "T" in the distance, intrigued, he walks directly in its direction.