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Featured Art Comments:
We really like this clean-lined fluffy entry, his face with his big eye makes him pretty cute, and we like the background of the moon and stars.
TFM and Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
I love the colours used in this and the pose you've chosen. The streaks of colour and blurry parts make it feel like a moving action shot. The armor and fur look great too. Would love to see some more from you.
TFM and Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
Really like the derpy tongue sticking out on its face, it's a cutey and love the purple background and shading.
TFM and Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
The cute fatty looks like a plushie that I'd want to have, the face is cute and smiley on its big head.
TFM and Etaew

Featured Art Comments:
We appreciate traditionally drawn entries and like how square and chubby she is. It's cute :)
TFM / Etaew