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Liking the anime-y look in this one , The design for it is very nice, combining both power and defense that phantom alone looks very powerful
Featured Art Comments:
Ohhoo .. Looks fericious, Especially the Big beast. I demand some big monster fight with the TombRaiser Beast O_o. The Dungeon-y atmosphere really show how old they are too. Very Nice.
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Weee . Slidy Slide slide. Very fun looking . Love the reaction that Rev in the back . He cant outmatch the NN buffed Rev. A speedy Rev.. Swoosh
Spellblade (Dracolyte & Neon Ninja Hybrid)
Featured Art Comments:
A Magicka Sword ? ? That could do . I was intrigued on this character lore as I saw the piece process in Discord . This one could take a spot yes
Featured Art Comments:
Thanks for your entry into the Trove Heroes art contest, however the link to Trove wasn't explained very well and so this time it won't be eligible for a reward.