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I want to squish her belly, I love how fat she is, it's so cute. Good job with this fluffy cutey, and that poor fishing rod!
- TFM / Etaew
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Mr. E says: I love this one. It blends Trove’s cubic reality with an amazing attention to detail, and I love the style.
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Mr. E says: The bunched-up, cloth-like feel this piece conveys feels particularly pirate-y. Sam feels alive with color and character, accented with Plunder’s cuteness
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Mr. E says: This piece does an amazing job of blending Trove’s bright, cartoonish look with a more serious tone. Another one of my favorites
Sam's Greatest Rival (Animation)
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Mr. E says: Straight up amazing. Cute, concise, animated, and clearly full of effort, this one takes the cake in my book!
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TFM says: It is learning how to swim and soon it will able to swim in the ocean someday, really cute
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TFM says: Shy little turtlie but if we not careful enough it will use the huge claws, looks pretty and well made
"Make sure to replant when you're done!"
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Etaew says: This one made me laugh, poor Qubesly indeed.
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Etaew says: Although teasingly naughty the quality of this was fantastic.
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Coby says: This one is just precious.
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Coby says: This one again has lots of little details that help bring the piece together.
Kahramet, Warden of the Fields
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Coby says: I like the fierceness and the blending in the coloration in the wings.