
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Trove underwater mount art


Wtfff don't you see the detail? Clearly, it took HOURS

Commented on: Splendid Summer Event page

@The Igmo

Nvm the line "Talk to Amberine to get your summer costume" confused me.

Commented on: Splendid Summer Event page

Does the skin apply to Shadow Hunter?


Commented on: Combined Classes Art and Mod Challenge page

@AUS timebomb

That's a long comment. You could've done a tiny bit of research and you could've saved so much time.

Commented on: Artist Interview MochaMint page

Lol nice


Commented on: Lore Week page

1. The Moon and the Sun Goddess 

2. Qubesly

3. Biomes


Commented on: CM Diniry page

Hey dude welcome

Commented on: Land Scaper 8000-T giveaway

Commented on: Jet Jammer giveaway

Commented on: Jet Jammer giveaway

Commented on: Jet Jammer giveaway

I need it with Xendri

Commented on: Jet Jammer event

I need this