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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Trovesaurus 2nd Anniversary Flying Mount Mod Contest page
Commented on: https://www.trovesaurus.com/button
Commented on: Market Promotion page
Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page
Woa nice new lore/story will come to give us more fun and i cant wait for the latam server xd, new languages, mods, costumes... there are a lot of things that are working by the trionworlds and trove teams, trove will be more interesting jejeje.
i'm very excited xd
Commented on: Trove Interview Question Collection page
What is your idea or concept for incoming updates?, we know that great changes will come to trove more exactly (my thinking) new lore or an adventure that will envolve players into a new universe in which all meaning of trove will change totally and the meaning of things will have a reason, Do you will make an adventure or something like that?, When will be implemented? How long we need wait?... and How about an union with the community in reference to new updates, support teams and translations for example Spanish, Chinese... (there are a lot of people that could help to translate the game, an example of that are the language mods on trovesaurus), Do you will be more open with trove community and their ideas and concepts?
On your opinion: "What is the most difficult and important change that will coming?, What is the great difficulty that you had in the past? and What is the great difficulty that you have (or you will have) now (at future)?"
Commented on: Gold Feedback page