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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page
Wait, fuzzy, the fuzzy i know, or some other fuzzy cause if its the fuzzy i know, that i met on trove, that i added on my steam friends list, awesome...
Commented on: August Site Goals page
On mobile the search option is not available, and usually when i am away from home, i may check the recent news about trove, which is where the search option maybe handy...
Commented on: August Site Goals page
O, and alao it would be ideal if you could see more details for giveaways, like creature type, there ability, if they can shoot fireballs, if they have awesome effects they leave behind and so on, and for a pack of users choice, a list of packs available to pick from, as not everyone has a list of all types of packs available.
Commented on: August Site Goals page
I would really like a search option on top of te main menu page (after you log in), as if i havent loged in, and im looking at a certain article, if i do wanted to comment, or something, after i log in, i am taken off that article (taken to the main menu), so i would like to see a way this problem can be dealt with, most idealy with adding a search option. - keep up the good work trovesaurus, this site is already epic, xD -
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #6 poll
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #6 poll
Voted: Dracolyte
hey, who dosent like dragons? well i guess no one can defy that, so theres nothing to argue about, lol... Dracolyte best looking class yet, ( Best when dracolyte uses ultimate and dancing, hilarious!)
Commented on: Paul Esteban Macclaw Giveaway giveaway
thats exactly what i was thinking, its a parrot and a tiger merge together, looks epic and beautifu, lol...
Commented on: Paul Esteban Macclaw Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Falminar, Guardian of Thunderstorm Giveaway giveaway
Ah well i guess congrats to the winners, and hope those who did not win this giveaway may win next-time, until then, keep playing trove, xD...
Commented on: Dragon Giveaway event
Same here, i started a few weeks ago now (about two) and i have only dragon allies... My dream dragon is fortras, best dragon ever in every way!
Commented on: Paul Esteban Maclaw Giveaway event
I want more info, i think this mount looks amazing, but would want to know, is it like a dragonling mount, and can it fly?, that would be epic, anyone else agree?
Commented on: Falminar, Guardian of Thunderstorm Giveaway giveaway
Good luck to all fellow gamers, although there maybe 20 prizes, i hope everyone is satisfied after this givaway, xD...