Extra Life 2016 Details & Rewards – Prepare for the 5th of November!
Hello, Trion Gamers!
Join us on November 5th at 9am PT for a 24 hour stream, featuring all Trion games! You can support us by joining us on Trion Team to help our fundraising! Friends and family can sponsor your day of marathon gaming, and any money you raise goes to the Children’s Miracle Network hospital of YOUR choosing.
Of course, no good deed goes unrewarded: check out our Extra Life page to see a list of goodies you can get for your hard work, also featured below!
Extra Life 2016 Rewards
$25 in Fundraising:
- RIFT: Dimension Items: Banners (x2, new!), Minion Card: Sera (new!)
- Trove: Arcade Helm
- Devilian: Charitable Devil Title (new!)
- Atlas Reactor: Extra Life Banner (new!)
- ArcheAge: Loyalty Tokens x30
- Defiance: A Dodge Challenger RT Sublime Pearl Coat Black Stripe vehicle
$75 in Fundraising:
- RIFT: Companion Pet: Sera (new!), Dimension Item: halo (new!)
- Trove: Extra Life Pack
- Atlas Reactor: Emblem (new!)
- ArcheAge: Legacy Hero Costume
$150 in Fundraising:
- RIFT: Cape, Portrait Badge (new!)
- Trove: A Chaos Coin & Essentials Pack
- Devilian: Soldier’s Fortune Pack Fortune
- Atlas Reactor: Loot Matrices (assortment)
- ArcheAge: Archeum Pack
- Defiance: T.I.T.A.N. Augment Bundle
$500 in Fundraising:
- RIFT: Two Starfall Prophecy Deluxe packs OR 1 Year of Patron Time
- Defiance: Havoc Bundle
- ArcheAge: Housing items: Hot Tub, Fishing Pond
- Trove: 25,000 Credits
- Devilian: Devilian Complete Pack
- Defiance: Obliterator T.I.T.A.N. Bundle
1 hour played of the listed game:
- RIFT: Title: The Angelic (new!)
- Devilian: Halo (new!)
- Atlas Reactor: Title: Unyielding (new!)
24 hours of played Trion games, combined:
- RIFT: Title: The Charitable
- Defiance: Title: The Charitable
Don’t miss out: the count for these played time rewards starts at 9am PT on 11/5 and ends at 9am PT on 11/7!
Extra Goodness
One of our devs, Ryan “SupermanSocks” Copeland, also known as RoughRaptors, is participating again this year! Check out his page to see what you can get, including the Rough Raptor minion.
Like years past, if you donate via the ExtraLife page of game designer Kumar ‘Atronos’ Daryanani you can help design items that will be added to Trove! Check out his page for the details.
n the stream throughout the event. Join us on the team and have a fantastic time playing for a great cause!
Of course, we’ve always got more up our sleeves, waiting to be seen. We hope to see you on November 5th!
The Trion Extra Lifers
This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.

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In "played games", the rewards are for people that played that amount of hours in the past or during the event?