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Guides that this user has created.
Darknik Dreadnought MK II
Hey Trovians, I'm back today with a new article on the shadow titan, the Darknik Dreadnought. I will as usual, describe the attacks, and how best to avoid them, and the best classes to fight him with.
Mr_Cj_Joe May 6, 2018
Shadow Tower: Shadow Hydrakken
Hello again Trovians, this next guide in the Shadow Tower Series is on the Shadow Hydrakken. As I did with the Pinata god, I will first explain its attacks, how to avoid them and the best classes suited for this tower.
Mr_Cj_Joe April 13, 2018
Shadow Tower: Vengeful Piñata God
Hey, what is up all of you people who play Trove! My name is Mr_CJ_Jo and in this guide I will be explaining how to defeat the Shadow Pinata god. First I will explain the bosses attacks, and then what classes are most effective against it.
Mr_Cj_Joe April 12, 2018
The Ultimate Trove Ore Guide ( Only for Trove, not Geode )
Hey, what is up my fellow Trovians, I'm Mr_Cj_Jo and I am creating a ore guide. One thing I want you to get is that some of this is other peoples ideas, so I do not own these ideas. With out further adue, let's dive in.
Mr_Cj_Joe March 12, 2018