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Characters that this user has created, this includes names images and what styles they use. This is intended for those who like to share their created characters appearance.
Lunar Lancer

Atelic is a Lunar lancer working with the Trovians, operating in the lands of the Everdark, completing any task he's given, even if it has the possibility of death, he still does it for the reward. Atelic uses his monstrous speed and stealth to defeat the enemies of the Everdark. He wears a dark, black suit to blend in with the skies of the Everdark. He's now become a mercenary for the world of Geode, trying his best to kill the enemies without his trusty spear.
CH: 60%
HP: 190k
Power Rank: 9999
Neon Ninja

A ninja born in Luminopolis who craves for speed and damage. Aurion's goal in life is to become the fastest and he did become the fastest ninja in history. He gets his speed from backflipping, killing enemies and so much more.
PD: 125k
CH: 109%
CD: 1k%
MS: 93
HP: 270k
Power Rank: 19250
Shadow Hunter

A huntress of the Igneous Islands who kills anything she sees within her sights, utilizing her speed and mobility to her advantage to defeat her enemies. Although weak, she can kill anything as long she has the speed.
PD: 50k
CH: 50%
HP: 200k