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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: August Site Update page
The only suggestion I would make is to continue adding more information to the individual pages on how to get certain unlocks. I noticed you've been adding such texts quite a lot, and that's great, but if I were to go to the Allies page for example there would be a lot of allies with effects or methods of obtaining them yet.
Some unlocks aren't very hard to figure out, but things like the Porter Potty really do require an explanation or guide of sorts. I know that this is a long and rather tedious job for you, but the way I see it it's the only way to improve on the site.
That and perhaps a disclaimer indicating when something is not yet released on the live servers and may be subject to change. I saw a neon ray mag rider which I don't recall seeing anywhere yet. I figured it's a file on the testing server but as it is now there's no confirmation for those who are wondering.
Perhaps write a system in which other people can contribute such information like a wikia, which doesn't immediately change the page but requires you to either confirm or delete the proposed changes. I don't know if this is viable or not, or if you can just assign certain rights to people willing to write this info for you, but such a system would make it a lot easier for you since you won't need to write all of the methods of acquisition yourself.
Those points aside, just keep up the great work you've been doing!
Commented on: Trove Interview Question Collection page
Have you ever considered making an in-game tool for creating dungeons, hats, weapons, decorations, etc? Making a direct in-game interface and directly testing creations would increase productivity and popularity.
Commented on: Gold Feedback page
Making a thank-you system for donating and giving it to everyone for a while, clever.
Commented on: Dino Biome Teaser page
It's about time they showed us a new biome! In my opinion Mantle of Power was a little bit of a let-down with the gems now being the most important equipment and their annoying way of upgrading. And now they come with this, loving the idea. Are they going to make a new class native to this biome as well? I have lots of untradable class coins lying around and nothing to use them on.
Commented on: Dragon Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #6 poll
Voted: Neon Ninja
I'd love to see the decoys and light-effects from the class being used in Neon ninja fan-art. It always gives me goosebumps.