Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Pirrot Farming - The Essential Method for Leveling Your Club and Earning Adventurine page
I'm late to notice your comment, but I agree it's a rather unfortunate method considering other club quests can actually be fun and engaging. I still wouldn't want it removed though until other quests or adventurine have been balanced in some way, because smaller clubs have no other feasible way of earning fixtures at the moment and the big clubs that do have fixtures often require a very high PR/mastery level or clubit donation to get in. It'd be a shame if players who want the same stats as similar players had to compete for slots in the same few big-name clubs. I don't have ideas on how they would go about improving club systems, but hopefully Trion can work something out eventually.
Commented on: 3 Years of Trovesaurus page
Can't recall the exact details of how I came across Trovesaurus, but I discovered it some years back when I first played Trove and it was a big help to me. The promotions and contests were a fun way for me to work up the effort to do some tasks, like an old Market guide I wrote ages ago. The club also made it a lot more fun for me with doing shadow towers and other farms. (I think I got removed for inactivity at some point but that's perfectly understandable since I was inactive for over a year) I've gotten back into Trove recently and this site continues to be a big help for understanding the new stuff, especially with a page specifically for returning players to see all the big changes. And even now I'm tempted to join in the contests even though my skills aren't very applicable to many of them. Really glad to see Trovesaurus is still active and making the game more fun. I just hope Trovesaurus continues as it is into next year.
Happy third anniversary!