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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Protagonist Panda art
I knwo teh quality is pretty bad , i'm sad that it's more detailed and it looks totally better on the paper :C All i wanted was a panda . Still i'm happy with it ! :3
Commented on: Pandemic Panda Giveaway giveaway
Gl i kinda liek this one. But im still sad i lost the giveaway for that golden panda bot D:
Commented on: Retro Panda art
Commented on: Robo-Panda art
Commented on: Pixel Fire Revenant art
Commented on: Aino's 'I forgot how to color' Contest page
Guys stop posting more art for the contest ! Aino is not gonna send any more codes until 4th of December 2017. Then you should post the art.
Commented on: Robo-Panda art
Commented on: Robo-Panda art
Commented on: Pandemic Panda Giveaway giveaway
i was teh fifth guy who joined this giveaway :D Oh c'mon can't i just win once. I just lost a giveaway for my fav panda. At least i want to get one. :(
Commented on: Pandabot Prototype Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Pandemic Panda Giveaway event
Commented on: #Revenantfest art
Commented on: #Revenantfest art
Just a little correction , not trying to be mean . It's Revenant , not Revenan.
Commented on: Green Dinoranger art
Commented on: Pandabot Prototype Giveaway giveaway
THIS PANDA IS AWSOME !!! IT'S THE COOLEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN !!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL !!! If i don't get at least i want to see someone with this beast !!!! SOOO COOOL Good luck to all !!!