Trove Files

searching for files in prefabs/npc/outpost

27 files

prefabs/npc/outpost/spires_adventure.binfab Current Fees and Felines Sunrise
    [filename] => npc/outpost/spires_adventure
    [type] => 
    [desc] => 
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => 
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc 
            [1] => desc_identifier 

    [icon] => c_m_foxspirit_adventure_body_02.png
    [animations] => C_M_foxspirit_adventure_head
    [rig] => foxspirit
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_npc_quest_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => 
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

    [compost] => Array

prefabs/npc/outpost/tundra_adventure.binfab Current Fees and Felines Sunrise
    [filename] => npc/outpost/tundra_adventure
    [type] => 
    [desc] => 
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => 
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc 
            [1] => desc_identifier 

    [icon] => c_m_biped_medium_yeti_alpha_body.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => biped_medium_npc
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_npc_quest_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => 
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

    [compost] => Array
