Trove Files
searching for files in prefabs/abilities/progression/pve
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/a.0.b_use_flask_random_buff_unique.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/a.0_use_flask_random_buff_unique.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/a_maxflasks_node_unlock_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.a.0.a.0_phys_magic_dmg_node_unlock_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.a.0.a.1_attackspeed_node_unlock_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.a.0.a.2_crit_rate_node_unlock_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.a.0.a_player_vampirism.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.a.0_health_node_unlock_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.a.0_health_regen_node_unlock_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.a.1.a.0_large_buff_on_npc_death.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.a.1.a.0_npcdeath_buff_trigger.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.a.1.a.1_light_node_unlock_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.a.1.a_large_buff_on_npc_death.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.a.1.a_npcdeath_buff_trigger.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.a.1_movementspeed_node_unlock_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.a_attackspeed_node_unlock_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.b.0.a.0_light_node_unlock_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.b.0.a_crit_damage_node_unlock_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.b.0_jump_node_unlock_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.b.0_stability_node_unlock_dmg_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.b.1.a.0_delveboss_death_buff_trigger.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.b.1.a.0_large_buff_on_delve_boss_death.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.b.1.a.1_light_node_unlock_statmod.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.b.1.a_delveboss_death_buff_trigger.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/abilities/progression/pve/b.0.b.1.a_large_buff_on_delve_boss_death.binfab | Current Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Rising Tides Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars |