Punches & Potions
The pinnacle of competition is challenging powerful foes. My foe was Lawson Terror of the Jurassic Jungle. I had the countless, and, I, mean, COUNTLESS Garx-i-maniacs cheering, channeling their raw energy into my spirit that allowed me to break free of the Tyrananic Twister.
Find powerful foes in their homes on Trove and put 'em in their place!
Hunt Heckbugs
Rip, tear, destroy them. Until it is done.
Everything. They took everything from me. I will have my revenge. Hunt them, fight them, and destroy them. Do this and I will sell you what I have collected in my battles.
Defeat Heckbugs in DRAGONFIRE PEAKS, then return to The Hunter in the events area of the Hub.
Renewus: Garx's Challenge
The Heavyweight Champion is in the Hub and looking for challengers.
Increases Physical & Magic Damage by 30%. Increases Critical Hit Damage by 20%.
Increases Physical & Magic Damage by 45%. Increases Critical Hit Damage by 45%.
Critical Hits trigger a Life Leech effect.
Increases Movement Speed by 25%. Increases Maximum Energy by 30.