
November 2022

Renewus 2023 5/7: Trovian, you may have already noticed but these Pirrots are dropping their precious doubloons. If you head back to the Radiant Dayspring in the Hub you should be able to craft a new ship, the Neon Pearl, or convert them to Lucky Doubloons. Lucky Doubloons will help you fend off the Pirrots and the Neon Pearl will help you with what comes next. In the end craft anything in the General category that you think will help.

Defeat Dungeons in the Treasure Isles

Renewus 2023 6/7: Well Captain, it's finally time to take it to the scourge of the seas. Go to the Treasure Isles and show the Pirrots there that no attack on Trove will go unaswered.

Hit the Renewus Orb

Renewus 2023 7/7: Well done Trovian. The Pirrot raids continue, so feel free to put your captain hat on and beat 'em up as much as you want, but don't sacrifice celebrating Renewus. Make sure to get to the Hub and hit the Renewus ball a few times to celebrate the new year!

Smorgasbord Shindig

This limited time pack unlocks the Cubeen Cake, Steaming Pot, Shrimp Scamp, and Death Fish allies, the Smorrebrod Surfer and Sweet Sticky Sandwich mounts, the Lunching Longship and Bacon Sail, and the Saltwater Sage, Northern Nomad, and Lightning Launcher Costumes. Grab your plate before the party ends!

Sinister Snowfest

This limited time pack unlocks the Candy Cane, Completely Normal Present, and Wild Wreath allies, the Snowfest Cracker, Broken Ornament, and Sinister Snowman mounts, and the Past Solarion, Present Arms, and Future Raiser Costumes. Snag them before the snow melts!

Celebration Collection