Going Green
It gleams with power. Complex mechanical creations can be built from these.\n\nThese gears will rust away over time.
Crafting Material. Use at the Mount Crafting Bench to craft a griffon mount.\n\nFound very rarely in Cursed Skylands worlds.
Crafting Material. Use at the Mount Crafting Bench to craft a llama mount.\n\nFound very rarely in all adventure worlds.
Crafting Material. A physical receptacle for captured light. Used at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench to craft Gems Augments.\n\nObtained from the Weekly Class Power Rank Leaderboards and from Events.
Crafting Material. Tendrils of deepest shadow, forged into inextricable fetters. Used at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench to craft Gems Augments.\n\nObtained in Gem Booster Boxes and rarely from World Bosses.
Crafting material.\n\nA mysterious reddish ore native to the Forbidden Spires.
Crafting material.\n\nCreated at the Ringcrafting bench.
A form of cryptocurrency favoured by lovers of canines.\n\nFound very rarely in Neon City, Luminopolis ore veins.
A form of cryptocurrency favoured by sky-high rollers.\n\nFound very rarely in Neon City, Luminopolis ore veins.
A form of cryptocurrency favoured by night owls and loons.\n\nFound very rarely in Neon City, Luminopolis ore veins.