
Luxion of the Golden Hoard returns to the Hub for 72 hours twice a month to trade goods for Dragon Coins. You can find Luxion in Light's Den beneath the Trove Hub. Catch him before he flies away!


Quest Badge: Gem Expertise

Unlocked by completing Gemsly's Gem Expertise Quest. The Gems Expertise Quest can be started by completing Qubesly's Quest and reaching level 10!

This precious friend is here to help you become stronger. Gemsly loves you just the way you are. Earned from Gemsly's Gem Expertise Quest.

This mask is encrusted with beautiful gems. Earned from Gemsly's Gem Expertise Quest.

This can be used at the Radiant Dayspring at the Event Venue in the Trove Hub to craft St. Qubeslick Clover Seeds and Lucky Stars.\n\nAcquired during the St. Qubeslick event, its magic will fade at the end of St. Qubeslick.

Quest Badge: Gem Expertise

Find Gem Boxes in Adventure Worlds

Nice work, those boxes look promising! Open a box up to see what kind of gems you've found!