[Deleted User]

Bamboo Dragon

Seasonal Title: the Hollow Spirit

Craft to gain LIMITED access to the 'the Hollow Spirit' title suffix.\nTitle access is revoked in SUMMER (JUN 1st).

Bamboo Shoot

Obtained from the Forbidden Spires, but if and only if the 'Duraveln - the Bamboo Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:WelcomeScreen])

Dormant Bamboo Dragon Egg

Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!

Bamboo Dragon Egg Fragment

Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained very rarely from Bamboo Shoots found in Forbidden Spires biomes when the 'Duraveln - the Bamboo Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:WelcomeScreen]).

Golden Dormant Bamboo Dragon Egg

Consume to unlock the Dragon: Duraveln, the Hollow Spirit!