[Deleted User]
Fees and Felines
Memento: Sharkman Spear
Backed by the full faith and credit of the Royal House of Tysorion.
Using revolutionary new technology, Panatean Antes are sure to skyrocket in value!
Minted using TOP TIER House Carys technology, this is the currency of tomorrow, today!
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE CARYS enemies.
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE PANATEA enemies.
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE TYSORION enemies.
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE CARYS enemies.\n<font color='#30ff30'>Increased chance</font> of memento drops!
Freshwater Fran wants you to catch common fish from the pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.
Freshwater Fran wants you to catch common fish from the water pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.