Hotfix May 18 2021
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE TYSORION enemies.
Deep Gateway: Flux. Fissures (Carys)
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE CARYS enemies.\n<font color='#30ff30'>Increased chance</font> of memento drops!
Deep Gateway: Flux. Fissures (Panatea)
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE PANATEA enemies.\n<font color='#30ff30'>Increased chance</font> of memento drops!
Deep Gateway: Flux. Fissures (Tysorion)
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE TYSORION enemies.\n<font color='#30ff30'>Increased chance</font> of memento drops!
A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nWhen in doubt, chicken out.
Panatean Partifier
A costume for the Chloromancer.\n\nBright as light, light as dawn.