[Deleted User]
Refill Sebastian's Feed Trough
Return to me with that Shapestone and you'll be able to craft some Horseshoes for Sebastian! Once here, use the Horseshoe Forge.
Check your Hotbar [HK:AdventureModeSlot1] and [HK:AdventureModeSlot2] or Inventory [HK:Inventory] for a Origin Portal Potion to make your return trip quicker!
Craft Sebastian's Shoes
For new Trovians, Dungeons are a great way to acquire GEAR. Loot gear by pressing or holding [HK:Loot]. Looted Gear shows up in your Inventory [HK:Inventory], and can be equipped from there. Find a piece of Gear you'd like to use and Equip it!
Equip Gear
Empty? Of course. Sebastian's favorite food is Sunlight Bulbs. Luckily, you can find Sunlight Bulbs all around.
Leave the town and look for SUNLIGHT BULBS. Attack them with [HK:BasicAbility] to HARVEST them!
Empty? Of course. Sebastian's favorite food is Sunlight Bulbs. Luckily, you can find Sunlight Bulbs all around.
Leave the town and look for SUNLIGHT BULBS. Attack them with [HK:BasicAbility] to HARVEST them!
Harvest Sunlight Bulbs
You're off to a great start, Trovian! Now it's time to visit the HUB WORLD--a bustling city, full of colorful characters... like me! Hold [HK:Homeworld], then find me once you reach the Hub!
Visit the Hub World