Sunrise - Sundered Uplands


Sundered Uplands


Icon Resource Location

Ashfern Sporeling

Crafting Material.

Depending on the magnification factor of your eyes, these lil' friendlies can be surprisingly cute!

Found in the Ashen Wastes layer of the Sundered Uplands, and valued by the Fungi Scrollpeddlers and Thingshapers that frequent the region.

Ashen Wastes
Unnatural Device

Its eerie, irregular clicks and hums give no clue to its purpose or origin.

Found rarely in the Ashen Wastes layer of the Sundered Uplands.

Ashen Wastes
Emberslag Ore

Crafting material.

A common, dense ore found in the Ashen Wastes layer of the Sundered Uplands.

Ashen Wastes
Irradient Powercell

Bristling with energy, this powerful resource can be used at the Sundered Uplands Workbench.

Found in the Cloud Layer of the Sundered Uplands.

Irradium Ore

Crafting Material.

A common, energy-laden ore found in the Cloud Layer of the Sundered Uplands.



Description Composts to
Ashen Enemies 1 Ashen Soul
Irradiant Enemies 1 Irradiant Soul
Empowered Ashen Enemies 3 Ashen Souls
Empowered Irradiant Enemies 3 Irradiant Souls

3 Ashen Souls

3 Irradiant Souls

Irradiant Sentry Trophy

Ashen Beetle Trophy

Ashen Smasher Trophy

Ashen Boltcharger Trophy

Ashen Blastflower Trophy

Irradiant Boot Trophy

Ashen Crawler Trophy

Ashen Spore-Spreader Trophy

Ashen Lobber Trophy

Ultra Dream Monster Trophy

Burnt Dream Monster Trophy

Frostbitten Dream Monster Trophy

Empowered Ashen Thresher Trophy

Empowered Irradiant Sky Giant Admiral Trophy

Empowered Ashen Devourer Trophy

Irradiant Seeker Trophy

Irradiant Sky Giant Admiral Trophy

Irradiant Compactor Trophy

Ashen Devourer Trophy

Irradiant Launcher Trophy

Watt, Son of Stars Trophy

Irradiant Pentapod Trophy

Irradiant Barker Trophy

Irradiant Rammer Trophy


Upper and Lower Levels

Flight Suppression Field


Fungus Scrollpeddlers (Consumable Scrolls)

Fungi Scrollpeddler - Press E to spend CUBITS or Ashfern Sporelings for temporary Sundered Uplands buffs!

Scroll: Freedom of Flight (Gold) Allows unrestricted flight within the Sundered Uplands.
Duration: 3 days, online or offline.

Sold by Fungi Scrollpeddlers in the Sundered Uplands
5000 Cubits
Scroll: Freedom of Flight (Silver) Allows unrestricted flight within the Sundered Uplands.
Duration: 1 day, online or offline.
2500 Ashfern Sporeling
Scroll: Freedom of Flight (Bronze) Allows unrestricted flight within the Sundered Uplands.
Duration: 1 hour, online or offline.
200 Ashfern Sporeling

Fungus Scrollpeddlers appear in outposts within the Ashen Wastes.  For the price of Ashfern Sporelings or Cubits, players can now purchase consumable scrolls which grant buffs within the Sundered Uplands.  These effects will count down even while the player is offline.  

The following scrolls are available:

Freedom of Flight
  • This temporarily removes the Flight Suppression Field present in Sundered Uplands, allowing players to use any mount or wings with full effectiveness.  
  • This scroll stacks with all other scrolls.  
  • These scrolls are always available at landing pads in the Sundered Uplands.
Physical Damage++/Magical Damage++
  • When fighting in Sundered Uplands, these occasionally create Physical Damage or Magic Damage buffs which increase the relevant damage by 75% for a short duration.  
  • These scrolls will not stack with each other.
  • There are several of these scrolls available, including scrolls that give +50 Jump, reduce incoming damage by 15%, or even +resource collection scrolls.  
  • Players can only have one of these “Misc” scrolls active at a time, and they all only apply to Sundered Uplands.

Scroll Versions

Different versions of these scrolls are available.  


Fungi Recipetakers

Fungi Thingshapers

Fungi Thingshaper - Use E to see what Things are available to Trade!


Allows occasional collection of Ashfern Sporelings when defeating Ashen creatures in the Sundered Uplands.


Ashen Cache

Contains resources normally found within the Ashen Wastes in the Sundered Uplands



Cloud Cache




Agent Adventure

Red Outpost (Ashen Wastes) Purple Outpost (Cloud Layer)

Collect Ashfern Sporelings (500)

75x Adventurine

"Open a Sunder-Ark Cache" (Uber 10+)

Sundered Uplands Workbench

The Sundered Uplands Workbench can be found on Outposts and allows players to craft collectables as well as useful items for the biome.  Sundercharged Crystals can also be donated at this workbench.

View Sundered Uplands Workbench Page

Recipe Dungeons

Recipe Dungeons in Sundered Uplands drop Irradiant Recipe and Recipe Dungeons in Ashen Wastes drop Ashen Recipe. These recipes are unlocked on the Sundered Uplands Workbench Club & Decorative section.

Recipe Dungeons in Sundered Uplands Recipe Dungeons in Ashen Wastes

Irradiant Recipe - Unlock a random Irradiant Sundered Uplands recipe you don't already have unlocked.

26 Recipes / 52 Mastery

Ashen Recipe - Unlock a random Ashen Sundered Uplands recipe you don't already have unlocked.

20 Recipes / 40 Mastery


New 1-Star Dungeons, Recipe Dungeons, 3-Star Dungeons and 5-Star Dungeons.

View Sundered Uplands Dungeons Page

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