
Browse client strings.

Language (en), File (tether_icons)

The Blue Bees
The Golden Bees
The Green Bees
The Orange Bees
The Pink Bees
The Purple Bees
The Red Bees
The Azure Bees
The Teal Bees
The Yellow Bees
The Blue Cupcakes
The Golden Cupcakes
The Green Cupcakes
The Orange Cupcakes
The Pink Cupcakes
The Purple Cupcakes
The Red Cupcakes
The Azure Cupcakes
The Teal Cupcakes
The Yellow Cupcakes
The Blue Fish
The Golden Fish
The Green Fish
The Orange Fish
The Pink Fish
The Purple Fish
The Red Fish
The Azure Fish
The Teal Fish
The Yellow Fish
The Blue Mushrooms
The Golden Mushrooms
The Green Mushrooms
The Orange Mushrooms
The Pink Mushrooms
The Purple Mushrooms
The Red Mushrooms
The Azure Mushrooms
The Teal Mushrooms
The Yellow Mushrooms
The Blue Shells
The Golden Shells
The Green Shells
The Orange Shells
The Pink Shells
The Purple Shells
The Red Shells
The Azure Shells
The Teal Shells
The Yellow Shells