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You can click a style slot to choose from only styles you've collected for that slot.
You can craft bombs and portal potions in the world by pressing [V].
Craft a club card at the Crafting Bench and use it to make your own club.
You can type '/join' followed by a word to join or create a custom chat channel.
Pressing [F1] will show you all hotkeys
Equipment can be forged up to 25 times and each time it increases stats by 2%.
You can add someone to your friends list by typing '/friend' followed by their name.
You can type '/1' to type in global chat, '/2' to type in world chat, and '/say' to chat to nearby Trovians.
There are many hub worlds and general chat channels - there are a lot of people playing Trove and they can't all fit in one!
One star next to a stat on an item means it rolled 80% or better of max, two stars means 95% or better.
You can type '/joinme' followed by a player's name in chat and it will invite them to your world.
Mastery points are earned from collecting anything or leveling up a class or profession.
Mastery ranks each give a reward. Rewards can be cosmetic, power, store currency, or crafting materials.
Once you add a mount to your collection you can't trade it or craft with it.
You can mouse over the stats on the character sheet to see what they do.
All loot drops are personal! Each loot source drops loot for up to 8 Trovians.
After you plant something you will know if it is growing if it has a green sprout - if it's brown that means it won't grow there.
You can pick which club name shows up next to yours by clicking the flag next to that club in the club window.
You can craft a Style Saver and use it to store the look of equipment for later use.
Many items need to be thrown to be used - put them on your hotbar then press the key to throw them.
Type '/w' followed by a player's name to send them a private message.
Did You Know?
He stood and died.
Found a mysterious box, fallen out of the blue. What does this button do?
His crusade ended before it began. His bravery gave out and he ran.
With the world at its end does it matter what the leaves portend?
First to the fray. Fought bravely but could not keep the shadows at bay.
Did he see the light which wasn't a star? He fled but didn't get far.
He lies here not buried alone. Even in death he would not part with that stone.
Here Lies Farmer MacLeod
Here Lies The Fool
Here Lies the Holy Knight
Here Lies the Old Sage
Here Lies Queen Leah
Here Lies the Royal Astronomer
Here Lies Tom the Drunk