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This workbench only functions for those with the Gravesight effect. Only the most Superstitious Runecrafters speak of such things.
Requires collection of 'The Depths' Fish: - Abyssal Seahorse - Deepstone Fish - Toxic Lichenstone Fish - Pyric Blowfish - Runeslate Fish - Zephyr Muscle
The Hatastic Hat politely yet sternly refuses to be crafted here... and/or now...
This Sundered Uplands citizen is no longer hungry.
You are too exhausted to attempt this Exercise. Drink a GARX-ADE to regain your energy!
You can only do any single exercise once per day
You must progress further in the Renewus 2025 questline to craft this.
You need to complete a Warm-Up before you can attempt a full exercise!
Must have MANTRA equipped in Auto-Use slot
You must progress further in Qubesly's questline before you can craft this Recipe.
This Bin Chicken is too hungry to fashion a Tidal Treasure. Try feeding it a Cruftcake!
There are no dirty empty dishes on O'Lucky's Stone.
This Lucky Stone still has dishes on it. You must wait for them to clear or clear them using the Clean Dishes Recipe.
Requires all standard Emoji titles from Title Certificate Stamper
Title(s) already available. Open the TITLE SELECTOR using the CHARACTER SHEET [HK:CharacterSheet]
Dragon collectable must be unlocked to obtain its Title
Must have at least 100 Power Rank
Must have at least 1200 Power Rank
Must have at least 160 Power Rank
Must have at least 250 Power Rank
Must have at least 2500 Power Rank
Must have at least 400 Power Rank
Must have at least 550 Power Rank
Must have at least 60 Power Rank
Must have at least 700 Power Rank
Must have at least 900 Power Rank