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Sprouted Rainbow Chard
Sprouted Tomato Vine
Sprouted Watermelon
This sturdy flower collects frost inside it, hence its name.
Winter's Chalice
It is customary to gift garlands of these flowers to one's beloved during Snowfest.
Snow Queen's Crown
This flower thrives in the cold, getting larger the more it snows.
Frostflake Flower
These tiny flowers generate light and heat to attract pollinators.
Lilac Lamp
These diminutive flowers add a touch of color to snowy landscapes.
Blue Frost Freckles
These diminutive flowers add a touch of color to snowy landscapes.
Frost Freckles
These diminutive flowers add a touch of color to snowy landscapes.
Fuchsia Frost Freckles
These diminutive flowers add a touch of color to snowy landscapes.
Pink Frost Freckles
These diminutive flowers add a touch of color to snowy landscapes.
Purple Frost Freckles
These fluffy flowers scatter their seeds with the winter winds.
Snow Puff
These wintry sunflowers bloom only after the days start getting longer again.
Solstice Sunflower