Browse client strings.
Language (en), File (prefabs_placeable_npc)
Critters of Geode need your help!
Hand me those nails, will ya?
You can see right through me!
Good to see you!
CAW! Respect the hustle.
HISSSSssss... oh its you.
Press [HK:Map] to find dungeons around you!
Good to see you, Trovian!
I'm so happy to see you again!
Welcome back to the hub!
Just call me Craftsly!
I can't get enough of this view.
Meet me in the Hub, Trovian! Hold [HK:Homeworld] to teleport there, or use a portal nearby.
... and boy are my arms tired.
... and boy are my arms tired.
Offers a variety of Club Fixtures to upgrade your club with.
Club Merchant
Offers a variety of Club-themed items for sale.
Club Merchant
Press [HK:Loot] to trade with the merchant. Sells Combat Fixtures for your Club.
Club Combat Fixture Merchant
Press [HK:Loot] to trade with the merchant. Sells Ultimate Fixtures for your Club.
Club Ultimate Fixture Merchant
Press [HK:Loot] to trade with the merchant. Sells Utility Fixtures for your Club.
Club Utility Fixture Merchant
Press [HK:Loot] to see what Luxion has in store for you today.
Luxion of the Golden Hoard
Buy something, will ya.
Buy something, will ya.
Pinates the Purveyor
To the victor, the spoils.
Battle Broker
Buy something, will ya.
Shadowy Treasure Isles Trader
Buy something, will ya.
Treasure Isles Trader
Trade your Fragments of Wonder for all manner of marvelous goods.
Weaver of Wonders
Buy something, will ya.
Merchant of Marvels
Kami of Propotionate Penitence
Kami of Tumultuous Torrents