Browse client strings.
Language (en), File (prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_events)
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the BUNTOPIA biome. Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted
Depth Stepper: Buntopia
Place to queue yourself for a delve in which THE ALPHA will sometimes appear. WARNING: THE ALPHA can not be damaged without Solar Seals from the Radiant Dayspring, used to purge it's Shadow Protection. Increased chance of memento drops!
Deep Gateway: The Alpha
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which KING EGON can occasionally appear. Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted
Depth Stepper: King Egon
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which TYR-EGG-ASAUARUS can occasionally appear. Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted
Depth Stepper: Tyr-egg-asaurus
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve for THE UNDERSTACKS \n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted
Delve Gateway: The Understacks
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE CARYS enemies.
Gateway: Flux. Fissures (Carys)
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE CARYS enemies.\nIncreased chance of memento drops!
Deep Gateway: Flux. Fissures (Carys)
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE PANATEA enemies.
Gateway: Flux. Fissures (Panatea)
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE PANATEA enemies.\nIncreased chance of memento drops!
Deep Gateway: Flux. Fissures (Panatea)
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE TYSORION enemies.
Gateway: Flux. Fissures (Tysorion)
Place to queue yourself for a FLUXTUATING FISSURES delve with HOUSE TYSORION enemies.\nIncreased chance of memento drops!
Deep Gateway: Flux. Fissures (Tysorion)
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve with a Chuck Pinzo boss.
Delve Gateway: Chuck Pinzo
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve with a Pinzo's Right Shoe boss.
Delve Gateway: Pinzo's Right Shoe
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve to search for Turkeytopia\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted
Delve Gateway: Turkeytopia
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which Trotting Turkey can occasionally appear.\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted
Delve Gateway: Trotting Turkey
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Wolves' Den biome. Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Disappears at the end of the Shadow's Eve event
Delve Gateway: Wolves' Den
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which GREATER BALEPHANTOM can occasionally appear.\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted
Delve Gateway: Greater Balephantom
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which REFRACTED BALEPHANTOM can occasionally appear.\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted
Delve Gateway: Refracted Balephantom