Browse client strings.
Language (en), File (prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_crafted)
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Deep Waspider!
Delve Gateway: Deep Waspider
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Darknik Dreadnought!
Delve Gateway: Darknik Dreadnought
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which the WILD FAE KING can appear.\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted
Delve Gateway: Wildfae King
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which the WILD FAE QUEEN can appear.\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted
Delve Gateway: Wildfae Queen
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which the WILD FAE SPIDER can appear.\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted
Delve Gateway: Wildfae Spider
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Amperium Plasma Projector!
Delve Gateway: Amperium Plasma Projector
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Bone Blade!
Delve Gateway: Bone Blade
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Ifera, Underlord of the Deep!
Delve Gateway: Ifera, Underlord of the Deep
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Lobstroso!
Delve Gateway: Lobstroso
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Daughter of the Moon!
Delve Gateway: Daughter of the Moon
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Timmense, the Powerful Pontoon!
Delve Gateway: Timmense, the Powerful Pontoon
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which the EGGBERT THE CRAWLER can appear. Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Minimum Depth: 60
Depth Stepper: Eggbert the Crawler
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which the SHADEBOUND CROOK can appear. Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Minimum Depth: 80
Delve Gateway: Shadebound Crook
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Vengeful Pinata God!
Delve Gateway: Vengeful Pinata God
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Weeping Prophet!
Delve Gateway: Weeping Prophet
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which the CRIMSIN CROW can appear. Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Minimum Depth: 80
Delve Gateway: Crimsin Crow
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Diatryma!
Delve Gateway: Diatryma
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Quetzalcoatlus!
Delve Gateway: Quetzalcoatlus
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Threzinosaurus!
Delve Gateway: Threzinosaurus
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Tyrannosaurus Rex!
Delve Gateway: Tyrannosaurus Rex
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Triceratops!
Delve Gateway: Triceratops
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Spike Walker!
Delve Gateway: Spike Walker
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which the WEREWOLF HUNTMASTER can appear. Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Minimum Depth: 80
Delve Gateway: Werewolf Huntmaster
Boss: Deep Waspider
Boss: Darknik Dreadnought Mk II
Boss at Soul Vault: Darknik Dreadnought Mk II
Boss: Wild Fae King