
Browse client strings.

Language (en), File (prefabs_placeable_frameworks)

Towering Tomb
Placeable in Club Worlds only. One wonders what it feeds on to get so big. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
Large Cursed Vale Tree
Placeable in Club Worlds only. Its branches rustle restlessly in the chilly breeze. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
Cursed Vale Tree
Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Still but a sapling, but already towers in a menacing manner. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
Small Cursed Vale Tree
Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A perfect spot for a bout! Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
Boxing Ring