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Language (en), File (prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay)
Cave Milk
Painted Path
Found buried on Geode. These crystals are of great value to the Geodians.
Large Geodian Crystal
Found buried on Geode. These crystals are of great value to the Geodians.
Small Geodian Crystal
Collection minigame. This coin is worth 5 points.
Large Coin
Collection minigame. This coin is worth 1 point.
Small Coin
Hatches into one of 24 possible common, uncommon, or rare companions. Can be influenced with a Lodestar for a guaranteed uncommon or rare companion.
Promising Bronze Companion Egg Placeable
Hatches into one of 24 possible common, uncommon, or rare companions.
Bronze Companion Egg
Hatches into one of 8 possible rare companions.
Gold Companion Egg
Hatches into one of 16 possible uncommon or rare companions. Can be influenced with a Lodestar for a guaranteed rare companion.
Promising Silver Companion Egg Placeable
Hatches into one of 16 possible uncommon or rare companions.
Silver Companion Egg
Use to mark the top of areas you want replaced with air.
Placeable Material. Glowy robot goo.\n\nObtained by throwing a Plasma Sponge at Plasma. Sponges can be crafted at the Gardening Bench.
Racing minigame. Reduces your timer score by 10 seconds.
Time Pickup
Racing minigame goal Ring.
Goal Ring
Racing minigame. Collect all of these to complete a race.
Racing Ring
Don't touch this.
Don't touch this.
Big Spikes
Now you see it, now you don't. Adventure worlds only.
Placeable Material. Quite wet.\n\nObtained by throwing a Water Sponge at Water. Sponges can be crafted at the Gardening Bench.