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RISING TIDE 1/13: Trovian! The denizens of the Depths have arisen! My crew and I have been exploring the LONG SHADE, and they are absolutely everywhere! When you're ready to help, come find us at our ship; recognizable as an OUTPOST on the Map [HK:Map]. Using the ATLAS [HK:Atlas], you can find the Long Shade Adventure World far to the left. With enough LIGHT and POWER RANK, you can enter and begin your search for SALTWATER SAM.
RISING TIDE 2/13: Have you seen them yet? Enemies from THE DEPTHS have poured over all of the Biomes here in the Long Shade. My crew is working with Qubesly to study and respond-to this threat, and we need your help! First things first: we need to hit them back! Find DEPTHS creatures all throughout the Long Shade and take them out!
Defeat Denizens from the DEPTHS
RISING TIDE 3/13: Nice work! They aren't so tough, are they? While I'm focusing on the battle strategy, Freshwater Fran and Qubesly have been working together to try to figure out the bigger picture. She mentioned she could used some help. Speak with her to see what she needs, she's here on my ship!
RISING TIDE 4/13: Why hello! Sam said you might be able to help me. It's not just the violence visiting our lands up from the Depths, but also their flora! Sam says it's not important, but I'm convinced there's more to the story here than meets the eye. You can help me research the root cause of this Depths incursion by collecting Depths-specific harvests, found here in the Long Shade. Each biome has its own new type of fauna to be harvested.
RISING TIDE 5/13: Did you and Fran get your science done? Good, because we've got a big problem! We've come across large, 5-star dungeons filled with Depths all over the Long Shade! You know what to do, Trovian: destroy!
Defeat 5-STAR DEPTHS Dungeons
RISING TIDE 6/13: Fran says she has a lead on what is causing this mess. Speak with her to learn what we need to do next.
RISING TIDE 7/13: Hello, again! I'm glad you're back. I have a lead on who we might be able to speak to within the Depths faction: The Herald of the Deep Kraken! He resides in THE DEPTHS, a Delve biome. You need a Depth Stepper: The Depths to find him. Mr. Thommas Tortoise sells them, but Sam says his Depths Workbench is also capable of making them.
Obtain a Depth Stepper for THE DEPTHS
RISING TIDE 8/13: Now that you've got the Depth Stepper, you can make our connection with the real decision-makers for the Depths. The Herald of the Deep Kraken can be found in The Depths Delves. He can be found along-side the Runic Depths Vault. Go make an introduction!
Find the HERALD of the DEEP KRAKEN
RISING TIDE 9/13: A tribute? Of course... Well, I guess we'll have to play the game. As for obtaining those fish, Murkwater Mark here on the ship may be able to help, he's been fishing non-stop since we got here! Using a Depth Stepper: The Depths, find the Herald of the Deep Kraken, and give the Tribute he demands: - 1 x Abyssal Squid - 1 x Krakenspawn - 1 x Pyric Jellyfish - 1 x Zephyr Manta
Give Tribute to the Herald
RISING TIDE 10/13: Hello, again, Trovian. Great work with the Tribute, but attacks from the Depths continue unabated. Fran is working on theory, but you and I have a new problem to deal with. Kraken eggs have been popping up in Dungeons in the Long Shade--this is a clear escalation of the invasion, and we need them destroyed A.S.A.P.! You may want to use some Zephyr Runes while doing this, just to stay safe.
RISING TIDE 11/13: Your efforts are appreciated. Now, we need to stop this issue at its source. That's right, it's time to defeat the DEEP KRAKEN. It lives in the deepest Depths of the Delves. Reports say the Herald of the Deep Kraken is somehow linked to obtaining a Depth Stepper, but I don't have any information beyond that!
Obtain a Depth Stepper for the DEEP KRAKEN
RISING TIDE 12/13: Place and use the Depth Stepper: Deep Kraken, then enter the Delve and make your way to the Deep Kraken... and destroy it.
Defeat the DEEP KRAKEN
RISING TIDE 13/13: Amazing! It was that easy for you?! Please, return to the LONG SHADE and find my ship so I can give you your reward!
Return to Saltwater Sam in the LONG SHADE
A FRANTASTIC PLAN 1/5: Fran's work continues, she'll want to update you as soon as you're free to chat with her.
A FRANTASTIC PLAN 2/5: Despite your defeat of the Deep Kraken, the underlying causes for the invasion are unsolved. It turns out that for years, Trovians have over-fished water creatures across Trove, leaving the denizens of the Depths dangerously under-fed. While I don't think there's anything I could say to Mark to get him to put down his pole, you and I can still make a difference... But we'll need some Lichenstone to get started!
A FRANTASTIC PLAN 3/5: We need to help repopulate the Waters of Trove with life. Many lower-level fish feed on Sealichen, which once only occupied the deepest depths. Now, with the Depths denizens rising, this 'fish food' has started popping up in shallow waters, as well. After crafting Lichenstone Sea Spores at Sam's Depths Workbench here on the ship, throw some into any body of water to help revitalize the Water ecosystem the denizens of the Depths rely upon.
Craft Sea Lichen Spores
A FRANTASTIC PLAN 4/5: After crafting Sea Lichen Spores, throw some into a POOL of FISH in LONG SHADE WATER to help revitalize the ecosystem upon which the denizens of the Depths rely. You can craft additional spores each day to further our work. Thank you, Trovian, for doing the right thing!
Throw Sea Lichen Spores into WATER FISH POOLS
A FRANTASTIC PLAN 5/5: It's a great first step, Trovian! You've given me hope that we can tackle this problem. Please return to me for a little reward, and keep up the good work!
Return to FRAN