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Language (en), File (prefabs_loot_4)
Crooked Crescent
Thought to have originated in a distant island civilization since lost to the ocean.
Sea Serpent Scepter
Mystic or menial, this broom gets the job done.
Sorcerous Sweeper
An unsettling staff with a creepy flickering tongue, surrounded by a cloud of dark whispers.
Sibilant Shade
This technomagical staff conducts energy without skipping a beat.
Conduit Claw
A fiery sphere of searing fury crowns this conflagrating staff.
Burning Orb
It looks to have taken, or given, quite a beating.
Banged-Up Blingstick
Siphons excess ambient energy to maintain a stable charge.
Surge Synchronizer
It has seen much toil and great ruin.
Scrapyard Staff
A mote of stardust fuels this conduit of cosmic power.
Soaring Star
It could use a little watering and some TLC.
Droopy Loopy
Prized for its ability to calm beasts and defuse conflicts.
Staff of Serene Sorcery
This sumptuous rod lets others know just how well off you are.
Flux Flaunter
Portable pylons carried by patrolling guards while on-duty.
Warden's Wand
Channels the power of the celestial to work earthly miracles.
Starlight Wand
Perfectly balanced for use as a conduit of might or magic.
Bladestaff of the Jade Dragon
Created to counter the scourge of balefire corruption.
Balefire Binder
This ceremonial rod is fashioned from the three Trovian Elements and an assortment of their alloys.
Mineral Medley
Unleashes caustic torrents of base chemicals that burn and dissolve anything they touch.
Alkaline Tine
Though time itself restrain our being, let our words and deeds transcend it.
Chains of Time
This errant asteroid allows you to harness the power of the stars.
Captured Comet
Tracks your target with astounding accuracy.
Objective Observer
Ancient rulers bore this to symbolise their stewardship of the land.
Celestial Scarab Sceptre
Just holding it makes your skin crawl and your eyes glaze over.
Terror Tendril
This ritual spear is used to dissipate and banish baneful spirits.
Exile Auxiliary
When wizards go to war, the wands get left at home.