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Language (en), File (prefabs_loot_4)
A source of unstoppable force.
Shadowy Infineon
Clearly the best choice.
Glaring Glove
Made from rare metals.
Forged Fist
Emerged from the deepest darkness.
Void Shadowfist
Reinforced with brute energy.
Enchanted Enforcer Firearm
Stays cool even if the sun burns the earth.
Desert Hunter Gun
Nippy Neon Pole
Outstanding Okapi Jade Spear
The shadows have never seemed so cold.
Augury of the End
Harmonious Hummingbird Hibiscus
Handle with care.
Corrupted Sun Staff
Marvelous Mechanoid Mana Rod
Very silent, though it hits like a ton of blue bricks.
Scavenging Stalker Staff
Fateful Reaper Staff
This staff is nothing but treble!
Trouble Treble
Designed for the most mischievous tricksters.
Whimsical Warstaff
Mighty May Beetle Twig
Savage Shark Slicer
Gallant Gecko Golok
Marvelous Mechanoid Mask
Enchanted Enforcer Hood
Keeps the sand away from your beautiful locks.
Desert Hunter Hood
A shamanic spear, used in rituals to predict blizzards and ensure successful hunts and expeditions.
Azure Auspice
In the Sun's absence, mortals must remain ever vigilant of the encroaching Shadows.
Dawn Watcher
Enables you to change your foes' perspectives - they can either see things your way, or their outlook on life can turn pretty grim.
In-Line Video Connector
Dispatch droids and maim machines with this supple superheated halberd.
Plasma Pike
Unleash this beast of a weapon on your foes and watch them scamper like vermin before a charging dragon.
Muzzled Maulberd
Empowered by dark magics to steal the lifeforce of those it wounds.
Soulstone Skewer
Favoured by assassins, no hint of its presence is discernible until its blade is coated with blood.
Unseen Assailant
It forever stands watch, awaiting the return of its nemesis.