Browse client strings.
Language (en), File (prefabs_loot_4)
Gazing from the murky depths.
Ancient Guardian
Freezing Phoenix Crown
Nippy Neon Beanie
Imbued with the wrath of a thousand battles.
Broken Vengeance
There are two guarantees in life. And now you can guarantee both at once.
Bullion Bully
Sharp as heavenly justice itself.
Celestial Fury
Your enemies will feel your wrath, one way or the other.
Indecisive Indicators
Fight back with a relentless and rhythmic barrage of well-planned, decisive attacks.
Litigator's Litany
Rumored to have started the Sundering.
Forged in the furnaces of dawn.
Brightest light in the whole Frontier.
Wicked Wax
A manifestation of the creativity and magic.
Dream Whisper
Jade grip, decorated with a plume of phoenix feathers.
Fledgling Foregrip
Freezing Phoenix Bow
Packs an explosive punch!
Blastflower Basher
Posesses destructive power, despite its peaceful appearance.
Radiant Revetment
Imbued with energy of Radiant Shards.
Giantslayer Gauntlet
A source of unstoppable force.
Shadowy Infineon
Clearly the best choice.
Glaring Glove
Made from rare metals.
Forged Fist
Emerged from the deepest darkness.
Void Shadowfist
Reinforced with brute energy.
Enchanted Enforcer Firearm
Nippy Neon Pole
The shadows have never seemed so cold.
Augury of the End
Handle with care.
Corrupted Sun Staff
Marvelous Mechanoid Mana Rod
This staff is nothing but treble!
Trouble Treble