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Language (en), File (prefabs_abilities_shadowhunter)

Applies Shadowmark to all nearby enemies. Empowers the Shadow Hunter's next Radiant Arrow, increasing its damage, doubling critical damage, and causing it to knock enemies back.
Arrow of the Goddess
Nearby enemies periodically receive a Shadow Mark, increasing damage done to them as well as making them visible through walls. When the Shadow Hunter uses a basic attack on Shadow Marked targets a small explosion is triggered at the target and the Shadow Hunter will gain one Seeker. Additionally, when dodging the Shadow Hunter gains a movement speed boost for a short time.
Dark Whispers
An attack that can pierce through enemies and walls. Hold for at least 1 second to charge, causing it to deal extra damage to Shadowmarked enemies.
Radiant Arrow
Radiant Arrow
Radiant Arrow
Fire a large damaging arrow of energy that applies a damage over time to targets hit by it. This arrow pierces targets and blocks. If the ability button is held down, you will continuously fire arrows until running out of energy. Damage over time effect can be applied to the same target multiple times.
Sacred Arrow
Requires one Seeker to use. On use fires all Seekers that hunt the closest target and explode on contact dealing damage. The Shadow Hunter can store up to 5 Seekers at a time. Seekers deal increased damage for each one fired when used.
Shadow Seekers
Magic attacks to enemies can activate Searing Light, a damage over time effect.
Searing Light
Throws a blinding trap which stuns and damages all nearby enemies for 2 seconds when triggered. Enemies damaged by it will also gain Shadow Mark.
Sun Snare