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Language (en), File (geode_hub_npcs)
What a great day for a cave dive!
Have you tried the thumper yet?
Hmm, I need a little more sparkzite...
Exploring the Chiseled Caverns today?
Come to me for all your cave-diving needs!
The ancients left so many secrets in the caves.
The Builder must've been huge if we all fit on his chisel...
I still have so much to learn about the caves.
I've got your back if you run out of G.A.S!
My favorite cave is... Ah! I can never choose.
I'm glad I finally got to visit Trove.
I hope you're not too homesick here.
We're so glad to have your help, Trovian!
I'm itching to explore the caves myself.
So much to invent. So little time.
The elders say Verdant Veins was the Builder's favorite.
Sunken Sunvault is hot today. Stay hydrated!
Moonglow Grotto makes me wanna dance! Hehe.
We go through resources so quickly here...
Thanks for helping keep this sanctuary safe!
All this inventing sure tires a pebble out.
Upgrade your modules at the Module Forge!
You look ready to cave dive! How 'bout it?
Gabbro's beloved Companion.
Gabbro's Hoppet
Gabbro's beloved Companion.
Gabbro's Zepperay
Are you interested in Companions?
I've written a number of books on Froleek.
Companions are such fascinating creatures!
Gleemurs adore attention! Just look at them.
Qubrik are such enigmatic creatures!
Years of study have made me an expert on Companions.
The Shadows have terrified these poor, sweet creatures...
Companions can be quite shy - unless they're hungry!
A well-trained Companion is a great help in the caves.
Many Geodians would love to raise a companion!
Do you have a treat on you? The creatures like you!
Those poor creatures in the cave are so terrified.
Jelotl love to be tickled very much. Alotl, even! Baha!
Look how the Zepperays drifts through the air! Lovely.
Howlugs eat ten times their weight each day! Fascinating, no?
A hoppet once jumped to the top of Sunseeker Spire! Astounding!
Cragglepods love to scuttle about in Sunken Sunvault.
There's always something new to learn about Companions.
Eight different species live in the caves! Isn't that marvelous?
My next book is about the creatures outside this sanctuary.
We must rescue every creature from the Shadow.
I wrote the book on Companions! Marvelous creatures.
Lazul's crystallogy potions can calm cave creatures! Make some!