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Language (en), File (earlycontributors)
Was just too good for this world
Got too close to the sun
Was just too good for this world
Nicest ground chuck you'll ever meet
Pew! Pew!
Just wanted to take a look
Was just too good for this world
100% sure she was a conqueror
Thought they were invincible
Alas, we hardly knew ye
Did not check themselves
Got too close to the sun
Didn't keep their hands inside the vehicle
Didn't look both ways
Thought they were invincible
Did not check themselves
Didn't keep their hands inside the vehicle
Alas, we hardly knew ye
Thought they were invincible
Did not check themselves
Already chatted with Avarem
Didn't keep their hands inside the vehicle
Just wanted to take a look
Did not check themselves
Just wanted to take a look
I started off at Knight tier
Didn't look both ways
Didn't look both ways
Didn't get the memo
Alas, we hardly knew ye
Didn't keep their hands inside the vehicle
Alas, we hardly knew ye
Just wanted to take a look
Husband is Ishalab
Thought they were invincible
Found something much more toxic
Location? Elpis
Got too close to the sun
Didn't look both ways
Not a player of many words
Why level up later?