
Browse client strings.

Language (en), File (delve)

The Depths
Toxic Tunnels
Trovian Delve
Subnautic Passage
Volcanic Vaults
The Wolves' Den
Mega Dark - Gloom
Mega Dark - Dusk
Mega Dark - Shrouded
Mega Dark - Midnight
Mega Dark - Everdark
Mega Dark - Abyssal
Mega Dark - Nightmare
Mega Dark - Void
You took too long to reach or defeat the boss and cannot go any deeper. Hold [HK:Homeworld] to exit this Delve. If you do better next time a device to advance deeper will appear.
Use a Delve Shadowkey nearby to claim your reward.
Shadowy Soul Vault
Heavy Pressurized Chest
Pressurized Chest
You have been hit by {0}'s death curse.
You have been hit by a death curse.
[HK:Loot] to resurrect. Life is short in {0}
[HK:Loot] to resurrect. A lair with {0}... ok, that's tough
[HK:Loot] to resurrect. Who would have thought {0} creatures would be so difficult
[HK:Loot] to resurrect. Died to {0}
[HK:Loot] to resurrect. Spelunking through {0}, oof!
[HK:Loot] to resurrect. {0} sure makes things rough
{0}'s tombstone
You have been healed by {0}'s death boon.
A low rumble marks the awakening of a powerful creature.
You need to be present for a majority of the boss battle for a chance at rarer loot.
[HK:Loot] to advance further in the delve
[HK:Loot] to retreat back to the start of the delve
Inter-delve Portal
This will be the last floor {0} will appear regularly in this delve.
This will be the last floor {0} will be compelled to attend on this delve.
This will be the last floor {0} will appear regularly in this delve.
Press [HK:Loot] to venture even deeper in the Delve
Next Tier
Please wait, cave under construction
{0} players summoning portal Stand close for faster summoning {1}%% completed
Please wait, next depth under construction
You have delved too deep. Beyond this point lies only madness. Please restart with another delve.
Cave has collapsed. Please restart with another delve.
Press [HK:Loot] to summon portal
Please wait... Locating portal bind spot
Depth {0} Ready Station
Portal device to next cave
That player is queued for a delve, and cannot join you in PvP.