Rescued Pebble Trader -
Delves Merchants page
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Rescued Pebble Trader can spawn at depths of 25+.
He sells the following:
Pressure-Locked Delver's Cache x50
This box has a Pressure Sensitive lock and cannot be opened within a Delve or Geode cavern
Martial Heirloom Capsule
Might not be on sale every time
Contains 1 random Standard which can be combined with a Banner Pole of the Martial Way
Arcane Heirloom Capsule
Might not be on sale every time
Contains 1 random Standard which can be combined with a Banner Pole of the Arcane Way
Fortress Heirloom Capsule
Might not be on sale every time
Contains 1 random Standard which can be combined with a Banner Pole of the Fortress
And Various banner Standards (10) – 115 Freerange Electrolytic Crystals per Standard. Each type is limited to 10 purchases only.